A Privacy-First Web – Data Privacy: Facebook & Instagram App Tracking
If you’ve been following along in our 3-part series about a privacy-first web you are probably aware consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about what marketers, brands and publishers know about them and how their data is being used. With the latest iOS 14.5 update there are new opt-in requirements, requiring developers to receive user consent […]
A Privacy-First Web – Data Privacy: Apple iOS Updates & How To Prepare
In our first post of our Privacy First series we highlighted changes Google is making to Chrome and Chromium based browsers by ending third-party cookie tracking. We also highlighted the following from Pew Research Center: 72% of people feel that almost all of what they do online is being tracked by advertisers, technology firms or […]
A Privacy-First Web The Death of 3P Cookies: What Marketers Need to Know
Google’s decision to phase out the use of third-party cookies on Chrome and Chromium-based browsers has created a lot of discussion surrounding privacy and the use of online trackers to deliver marketing content. The phase out was initially announced in February 2020, but has created buzz in recent months due to Google’s decision to stop […]